Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Thrive in the New Economy

August 2010, jobs are starting to come back, but they aren’t the same jobs we were used to. As we struggle to come out of the “Great Recession”, many of the jobs worried employers are adding back are temporary or project related rather than traditional permanent jobs. Also with unemployment remaining near 10%, more workers are willing to accept temporary or shorter term positions than in the past.

In 2005, the government estimated that 31% of U.S. workers were already so-called contingent workers. Experts say that number could increase to 40% or more in the next 10 years. Permanent employees could become the minority of the nation’s workforce within 20 to 30 years.

Our clients are reluctant to bring on permanent employees too quickly. The confidence landscape is very different now. In many cases, client’s have too many employees when they don’t need them and too few employees when they do need extra help. State Unemployment Tax rates (SUTA) have risen to historic highs and will only go higher in the next several years. Everyone is fearful of what new and yet to be seen federal government regulations will mean to business’s ability to survive and to local government budgets.

The good news is we are able to limit our client’s pain, costs, liability, and future risk by functioning as their "human resources shock absorber". A bad hire can cost your company thousands of dollars. Wal-Staf offers relief by providing our clients with the people they need when they need them and we take them back when they don’t. Our clients are able to stop worrying about advertising for job openings, interviewing, background checks, I-9s, E-Verify, references, skill assessments, drug tests, their (SUTA) rate or how to keep their labor cost under control. We do it all so they don’t have to.

As a result, our clients can focus on growth rather than just survival having a much more flexible rather than fixed labor cost structure, quick access to talented, experienced employees when needed, and are poised to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.

See how Wal-Staf can be of help to you and your organization, give us a call today. “Powered by experience since 1977, simply put, we find people our competitors can’t!”

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Skill Assessments and Background Checks

We highly recommend our full service staffing program - let Wal-Staf advertise, recruit, interview, and screen in order to find you that great employee you've been looking for. But, if you want to handle some of the work yourself, Wal-Staf can still help make your life easier.

Wal-Staf's "Live Proctor" Pre-Employment Screening can give you piece of mind -

Basic Skill Evaluations
Typing, Data Entry, Basic Comprehension, Safety, etc.
$15 each, first one FREE

Advanced Skill Evaluations
Microsoft Word 2007, QuickBooks Pro, Web Design etc.
(16 page detailed list)
$25 each, includes a FREE Background Check

Background Checks $25
Included FREE with any Advanced Skill Evaluation

Drug Screens (5 panel) $25

Credit Check $25

Driver MVR (Motor Vehicle Check) $25

Click here to get Authorization Form to print

Monday, March 29, 2010

Have Access to Federal Stimulus Money

Hire All New Employees Through Wal-Staf Personnel Services!


Effective September 8, 2009, the Federal Government will no longer award Federal contracts to an employer who does not use the E-Verify system for all it's new hires.

The E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification System is run by the Department of Homeland Security. It is used to verify information on the I-9 Form that an individual completes when they apply for employment.

Wal-Staf Personnel Services is registered with the Department of Homeland Security as a designated Agent for the E-Verify System. This means Wal-Staf Personnel Services uses the E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility of all of our newly hired employees and that we can also verify employment eligibility of newly hired employees of our clients.

This service is free to our staffing clients for all Wal-Staf associates. We also provide this service to clients who prefer to hire new employees on their own on a fee for service basis. So, either way, let Wal-Staf Personnel Service make sure your company has access to stimulus money.