Monday, August 25, 2008

Five Ways to Get the Best Staffing Results!

1. Provide your Wal-Staf Account Manager with a well defined, current, prioritized job description, (in writing if possible) of exactly the person your looking for. Include your expectations in terms of abilities and experience. Let us know which skills and traits are most critical.

2. Give us as much lead time as possible. This will optimize your chances of us finding the ideal Wal-Staf Associate for your assignment.

3. Think of our staffing efforts for you as an investment not an expense. Let us take the time to fill your needs correctly. A high percentage of the now permanent employees of many of our Clients started out Wal-Staf Associates!

4. Educate your Wal-Staf Account Manager on your organization’s mission statement, goals, culture, history and current performance. Tell them what types of work styles or personalities will fit best in your organization. Help us be a more knowledgeable extension of your organization.

5. Provide us with feedback. Maintain an ongoing and honest dialog with your Wal-Staf Account Manager. This will greatly improve the quality of service and placements we can provide you.

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